Malvern Wyche
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Malvern Wyche C of E Primary, a warm, inclusive school renowned for its strong family ethos, innovative and character-building curriculum and high expectations. Situated at the foot of the glorious Malvern Hills, an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with breathtaking views over the Severn Valley it is an inspiring place to learn. Our experienced, creative and caring staff promote relationships, a love of the language of learning and the natural world. We make the most of our surroundings, bringing our natural history and cultural heritage inside and taking the curriculum outdoors wherever possible.
Here at the Wyche we are committed to involving children fully in their education. We explore the world through "Journeys": termly hands-on learning projects which allow our pupils to experience the national curriculum subjects in new and exciting ways. Pupils are challenged to explore the world around them through rich experiences. There is always something fascinating going on at the Wyche and our high expectations, coupled with a passionate belief in the importance of joy and wonder, ensure our students are enthralled by learning, genuinely care for each other and achieve exceptionally well.
As a church school we engage closely with the neighbouring All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche, where children explore the Christian faith and celebrate the festivals of the church, drawing strength and wisdom from the teachings of Christianity. We further explore Christian life and practice in daily acts of collective worship and through support for the charitable foundation Wychumvi where children raise money to feed schoolchildren in our link school, Gofu Juu, in Tanzania.
The school was graded as Good in its most recent inspection with many Outstanding features, with inspectors commenting that "Pupils flourish socially, academically and emotionally in this small and caring school, and observing that we offer "an innovative, exciting and effective curriculum that puts the personal and social development of pupils at the heart of learning.’ Ofsted commented that ’leaders hold a resolute belief that these are the skills pupils need to be successful in life. Extensive research underpins the curriculum. It ensures that all pupils receive a rich and memorable education."
The Local Authority have described the school as being "at the cutting edge of curriculum development"
The parent community is especially strong; our mums, dads, carers and wider family offer assistance and expertise, sharing their knowledge and experience with us in a way which is immensely supportive and adds real value to the educational experience.
Whether you are an existing parent, a prospective family, an interested visitor or indeed a pupil, you are most welcome here at The Wyche, where we are determined that, adult and child alike, the Education we provide should be the first steps in a lifelong journey of curiosity, love of learning and fulfillment.

Stephen Murphy, Headteacher

Malvern Wyche C of E Primary School is a warm and welcoming place. We will always promote respectful communications and relationships with all stakeholders and we respectfully ask that this is reciprocated. Malvern Wyche C of E Primary School will not tolerate communications with its employees which it regards to be abusive, whether verbally or in writing, and will act to ensure that communications with the school are conducted in an appropriate and respectful manner.