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Image by Arno Smit

Recovery & Catch-Up

The Wyche Recovery Curriculum

At the Wyche we are well aware that there has been disruption to children's education for a significant and sustained period of time. Every child has been affected by school closures, lockdowns and restrictions, whether they have been educated at home, in a key worker bubble or a mixture of the two. Each has been affected in his or her own way; your children are unique and their experiences will be unique too.

We are committed to ongoing recovery of the social, emotional, intellectual and academic wealth our children have lost and below we outline how we will repair children's mental and emotional health and allow them to recover lost learning and be challenged to succeed, whatever their experience so far. 


Children need to recover and rebuild relationships, tell their stories and rediscover routines and friendships together, whether they have been in or out of the building. This will be an ongoing, sensitive and therapeutic process.

  • We will welcome children warmly and celebrate their return.

  • We will ensure the texts we read and the activities we provide as vehicles are therapeutic, comforting, hopeful and reassuring.

  • Collective worships will focus on hope, with stories from the bible and a focus of Spring, Easter and renewal to lift hearts and bring comfort and cheer.

  • Staff will proactively offer kindness and patience to children rediscovering learning habits.

  • We will be mindful that some new friendships may have formed and others grown apart and will address this through PSHE, collective worship, pastoral care and time.

  • We will ensure children are encouraged and taught to play together, with staff playing alongside children and restoring this gift.

  • We will listen to children's stories, fears and hopes; deliberately and actively.

  • We will reassure children, make them feel safe and ensure that our actions keep them safe, physically, mentally and emotionally.

  • PSHE lessons in class will address worry, friendships, the future etc. allowing children to process their feelings.

  • We will engage in careful preparation for transitions such as Reception to Year 1, KS1 to KS2 and Year 6 to high school.

Teaching & Learning
It will be crucial to identify children's gaps in knowledge and skills effectively and rapidly, without overwhelming them and ensure all children are moving forward and being challenged to succeed.
At the end of any half term we would have a period of assessment and consolidation of learn but with the ongoing school closure and remote learning situation this would coming to an end we will do this when children return after March the 8th, assessing skills and knowledge in English and maths and allowing space for children to rebuild their social relationships and adjust to full classrooms again.
Assessment will be in the form of conversations, activities, quizzes, games and tasks, we will use some tests which are diagnostic and give us a lot of information but ensure the process is holistic, sensitive and above all useful to the child as they will be able to show their teacher what they need by way of help and challenge.
We will then ensure that gaps or weaknesses in learning are addressed and strengths are celebrated and applied in teaching, using the Wave method:
  • Wave 1 Quality first teaching which is inclusive of all children, challenging all groups and designed to consolidate learning and narrow the gap based on accurate assessment.
  • Wave 2 Short, timed interventions for small groups of children who have gaps in learning or who are behind age-expected levels. These can be run by teachers or TAs and will be focused on single skills with SMART targets using accredited, evidence-based resources.
  • Wave 3 Specific and tailored interventions for children who need to catch up but may also have an additional learning need and potentially an EHCP. These will be delivered by SEND TAs or 1:1 provision with the advice and guidance or wider educational and clinical services.
The curriculum will continue to be inspiring, broad and balanced, with all subjects being taught and Wyche vehicles continuing to be a centerpiece of our engaging offer. there will be an understandable focus on systematic core skills teaching based on sound assessments but not at the expense of the wider curriculum and the experiences it has to offer.
Catch Up Premium
The school is funded to ensure it has the capacity to allow children to recover any lost learning We are spending this in two main ways:

Thus far of our £11,040 catch up income we have spent
Best practice training in Quality First Teaching for teaching staff including work specifically aimed at closing the gaps in English and Maths through inclusive classroom provision.

Training for TAs in the best practice running of catch-up and closing the gap interventions, making best use of their classroom interactions with children and using evidenced based catch-up programmes for the greatest impact.

£1560.00 Training for teaching staff and TAs in the best quality Wave 1, 2 and 3 provision

Purchasing proven evidence-based catch up resources for systematic closing the gap interventions in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

This joined up approach will give staff the knowledge, skill and materials to make a difference where there are gaps in children's attainment and restore recover learning rapidly and sustainably.

Thus far we have spent
£2,392.74 on a wide range of range of assessment materials across English and Maths to ensure our assessment of gaps and lost learning is accurate and can inform precision teaching.
£2,305.33 on evidence-based accredited intervention resources for reading, writing and phonics to ensure that we are plugging gaps in learning in a methodical way which has impact.
£1,574 on digital teaching resources to offer catch up materials, effective pedagogy and tailored challenges to children.

This equates to £6,632.07 spent on recovery this year leaving £4,407.93 for spending in the new academic year.

We plan to spend the remainder in buying the best quality books to underpin the curriculum and ensuring that the training and time given to interventions is sufficient and having impact.
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