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Image by hari tran

Staying Safe Online

E-safety and how to get help.

A lot of our learning, socialising and entertainment takes place on the internet these days.

The internet can be a great place for all of these things, but like using any tool, there are risks. 

The internet used to be called 'the information super-highway'. This is a good way to think about it.


Think of the internet as a busy road. You need to use it, you may enjoy using it, but there are ways of behaving which minimise the risks and make sure you don't get hurt.


Basic E-safety tips

Going online is like going outside...

Children ​
  • Always tell your parent or carer you are going on line.

  • Always say what you are looking at or where you are going.

  • Only talk or connect online to people you know - if in doubt, log off and tell someone.

  • Never give out personal information like where you live or your password online.

  • Only visit sites that are age appropriate for you.

  • Report anything which makes you uncomfortable or you are not in control of.

  • Monitor your child's internet usage - you should know if they are online or not.

  • Monitor screen time and try to offset it with real-world experiences, especially screen time before or in bed which can interfere with sleep and lead to risky, unmonitored use.

  • Ensure they only access games and sites which are age and stage appropriate.

  • Know the nature and risks of apps and games and set safe limits.

  • Develop a family approach to social media. No social media sites recommend children under 13 have membership, some it is as high as 16 or 18.

  • Have regular conversations about e-safety so that children will approach you if something online has bothered them.

Useful Sites and Apps for Parents and Carers

The websites below are supportive in helping parents and children use the internet and digital media safely with much lower risks. ThinkUKnow has age appropriate advice and guidelines for schools and parents and is very comprehensive. CEOP is the police's online child protection service and you can report inappropriate online content or activity this way. Common Sense is a site which helps you make judgments about the risks of games, apps, DVDs etc. so you can make an informed choice as a family.

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