Opening the Door to the World of Reading!
Phonics describes decoding words by recognising the symbols (graphemes) we use to represent sounds (phonemes) Sometimes several letters can make just one sound (ar, igh,) and sometimes a letter can make more than one sound (think how many different sounds can be represented by 'a'!
Phonics teaching develops the attitudes and abilities and rules which produce skillful and adaptable speakers, readers and writers. We teach Phonics at The Wyche throughout reception and Key Stage One, run interventions for gaps in knowledge in Key Stage 2 and it continues to be a useful strategy for spelling and reading right into Year 6.
Two simple habits which will help your child
When you practice phonics or help your child read a decodable book:
1 Say the sound the letter makes, not its name ('mmm', not 'Em').
2 Don't add any extra voicing to the sound (e.g. for M say mmmm, not 'muh')
(This video link will help Phonics: How To Pronounce Pure Sounds)
There is lots more information on the sites below:
The Wyche Sequence of Teaching for Phonics
We follow the Letters & Sounds Document as a teaching sequence. You can view a copy online or download it Phase by Phase by clicking on the image.
In Reception we recap Phase 1 in play and activities and teach Phase 2,3 and 4. After this we begin to explore Phase 5.
In Year 1 We recap Phases 2,3 and 4 and teach Phase 5. After this we begin to explore Phase 6
In Year 2 we recap Phase 5 and teach Phase 6 in full.
To support our Phonics Teaching we have Phonics Bug and the reading books which support phonics teaching and which are sent home as readers are fully decodable, matched to the teaching sequence and available to the reader at the point they need them.
Home readers are meant to be books to celebrate and show off what has been learned. We teach them to read: you celebrate the success.
We assess as we go, regularly using in games, flashcards and marking to see how fluently children are applying their learning in reading and writing.
The Phonics Screening Check
In Year 1 the government ask children to sit a short screening check in school. This takes about 10 minutes per child and is done by your child's teacher in a friendly and inclusive way. It usually happens in the second week of June. You will be told in the summer term report how many words out of 40 your child was able to read. The threshold has been 32 for many year and children who do not manage to read 32 words in total will be given support throughout the rest of Key Stage 1 to ensure they close the gap and catch up by the end of Year 2 when they will retake the check.
You can find out more about the Phonics Screening Check by clicking the picture (left). This will show you what the 2018 check looked like, and help you to familiarise your child with the process, should you wish to do so. It's nice if these materials are made friendly and familiar by being used at home. We think the little monsters are good fun too.
We use the government's Letters and Sounds Document as a starting point for our practice and sequence of learning.
You can read and download the document by clicking on this link.
If you have any questions or concerns about teaching phonics or how you can help your child don't hesitate to ask your class teacher or Mr Murphy.