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Image by Europeana

The Governing Body

The Governing Board is a group of elected volunteers who form part of school's Leadership and Management.

The remit of the governing board is strategic. Through questioning, critical friendship and support they hold the leadership to account for the school's direction and outcomes.


They have three distinct roles:

1 To hold the headteacher to account for the vision of the school.

2 To ensure financial probity and value for money.

3 To offer support, scrutiny, and challenge to the school leadership in pursuit of improvement and performance.

The Full Governing Body meets termly.

The Chair is Dan Eglin

There are three committees:

Teaching & Learning, Pastoral & Ethos and Premises & Finance, which also meet termly:

Teaching & Learning Committee Chair: Helen Gough

Membership: Dan Eglin, Helen Wilkinson, Alistair Baker, Caroline Talcott, Ruth Charles, Stephen Murphy 

Remit: Data, standards, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.

Premises & Finance Committee Chair: Alistair Baker

Membership: Adrian Lewis, Ellie Wilson, Dan Eglin, Caroline Talcott, David Hinton, Ruth Charles, Stephen Murphy

Remit: Personnel, Finance, Premises, Capital Investment and Health & Safety


Pastoral & Ethos Committee Chair: Ellie Wilson

Membership: Helen Wilkinson, Dan Eglin, Ellie Wilson, Ruth Charles, Stephen Murphy

Remit: Safeguarding, Pastoral Care, Behaviour, Ethos, Christian Vision and core values development.

Structure of the Governing Board 24-25

Structure of the Governing Board 23-24

Structure of the Governing Board 22-23

Structure of the Governing Board 21-22

Register of Interests 24-25

Register of Interests 23-24

Register of Interests 22-23

Register of Interests 21-22

Attendance at Meetings and Committees 22-23

Attendance at Meetings and Committees 23-24

Governors' Behaviour Statement

The clerk to the governors, Mrs Keeley Walley, handles meetings, agendas and correspondence for the governing board and can be contacted at

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