Covid-19 Information
Coronavirus information
Coronavirus Update Letter Spring Term 2022
I am sure you are aware that on the 24th February the government removed the legal requirement to self isolate after a confirmed positive PCR, meaning non-compliance with Covid guidance is no longer a crime.
However the guidance for schools issued on the 24th February is clear and says the following:
Children and young people with COVID-19 should not attend their education setting while they are infectious.
They should take an LFD test from 5 days after their symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms) followed by another one the next day.
If both these tests results are negative, they should return to their educational setting if they normally attend one, as long as they feel well enough to do so and do not have a temperature.
They should follow the guidance for their educational setting.
There is still clear guidance about staying at home, self isolating and minimising contacts for at least 5 days throughout government's and Public Health Guidance. This makes clear that whilst we are learning to live with Covid-19 we must still take a proportionate but responsible approach to reduce its transmission and protect our families and staff from potential infection. There remain potentially serious health consequences and complications for many people.
We are still experiencing positive cases in school and are still expected by Public Health to minimise the spread so we appreciate everyone working with us to following this guidance and self isolate for at least 5 days following a positive PCR test.
If your child tests positive please let the school know as soon as possible but phone or email to the If you have any questions please get in touch via the office.
We are really looking forward to seeing you all again this week, for more exciting learning, the book fair, a fun-filled World Book Day and our Easter Service in April.
Take great care, and thank you for your ongoing partnership and support.
Mr Murphy
When should I use Lateral Flow Tests? (The boxes of 7 home tests you can get from a pharmacy or through the post)
Only on day 5 after a positive PCR.
The government has changed the guidance on tests. Twice weekly testing for students and staff is now no longer required or even advised and we are told it should stop.
The only time we are recommended to use lateral flow tests after a positive PCR, on the 5th day from symptom start. Then 2 LFD negatives in a row mean the end of self isolation, potentially on day 6.
These tests are still available free from pharmacies or by post from the government's website and all the links are below this message on this webpage
There has been lots of media coverage of the potential for testing to be withdrawn or tests being chargeable but at the moment they are still free.
Do I still need to take any kind of Covid test?
If you or your child develop the clear key symptoms (new, continuous cough, high temperature, loss or change in sense of test or smell) you are asked to book a PCR test at a testing centre. These are still available, but we are all aware of media reporting that they may soon be decommissioned. At the moment they are still operational and this is the official guidance.
If you or your child are positive you are still strongly recommended to self-isolate for at least 5 days and the guidance says children should not return to their education setting whilst positive.
What about if I am a contact? Do I need still need to Lateral Flow for 7 days?
This has changed. If you are a close contact of a positive case you no longer have to take home lateral flow tests for 7 days. If there is a positive case in your household you may still come to school or go to work, taking proper precautions to minimise transmission.
Symptoms and Testing
We are all working together to minimise risk and stop the spread of Coronavirus. If you or your child has any of the key symptoms (new, continuous cough, high temperature or loss/change in sense of taste or smell) please book a PCR Coronavirus test at a test centre.
Click here to book a free NHS Coronavirus test.
Government and Public Health guidance advise strongly that we should self-isolate for a minimum of of 5 days and use lateral flow devices (rapid home test kits) to establish if we are still negative, testing on day 6 and day 7 (counting from the start of symptoms). These are still free and can be accessed using the links below.
You can order test kits for delivery here.
and a collection code here:
Covid-19 Risk Assessment
We are continuing to do everything we can make The Wyche a safe place to be, to ensure that we minimise the risk of children and adults contracting Coronavirus, or of any of us spreading the infection, whilst balancing the need for offering face to face interaction and children's right to access education and experience a range of activities.
We continue to assess risks carefully and remain vigilant and proactive, following the changing and regularly updating DfE, Local Authority and Public Health advice as it emerges and continually to update our risk assessment. This rolling document is attached below. Click the PDF to view.