RHSE Consultation
RHSE Policy and Consultation
The school is required by law to provide Relationships and Health Education. We also must teach the statutory elements of the science National Curriculum which deal with body changes, puberty and human reproduction.
We also have a duty to provide good PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education), promote Fundamental British Values (The Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty & Respect and Tolerance of the Beliefs of others), and ensure they the curriculum is Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural. We are also a church school and strive to uphold a distinctive Christian vision.
This is a complex picture and to this end we have used Coram Life's "SCARF" programme as a starting point for planning, as it allows schools to weave all of these elements together.
The policy is here, and it includes a curriculum map to how what will be taught when.
We consulted with staff, governors and parents using a stakeholder working party and a parent's open consultation to develop a policy and the policy begins with the recommendations of the working party to which all parents were invited to join to have a say int he direction of this curriculum.
Based on the wishes of our stakeholder working party and our staff curriculum development we consider that RSHE:
Should teach children about RHSE is about consent, boundaries and privacy in relationships, to allow them to establish healthy and fulfilling friendships now, and later short- and long-term romantic relationships, informal and formal partnerships and/or marriages, should they wish to.
Should challenge and unpick restrictive and discriminatory gender stereotyping, underpinned by the school’s core STRIVE values.
Should teach children to stay safe and avoid harm and exploitation in an age appropriate and reassuring way, including online safety and how and when to ask for help.
Should teach children about the changes which will happen to their body and about sexual reproduction in a graduated, age-appropriate way, in order to combat and avoid myths and misunderstandings and provide preparation for life.
Should consider the school’s distinctive Church vision and contextualise Christian marriage amongst other partnerships and commitments, explaining the church’s teaching on marriage and considering the spiritual and moral aspects of behaviour in relationships in a Christian context.
Should ensure that boys and girls receive exactly the same content and knowledge in lessons about physical changes or human reproduction.
Should not be about the promotion of any particular lifestyle, and is not about promoting or encouraging sexual activity.
Should carefully consider the backgrounds and life experiences of our children and families to ensure everyone feels welcome and informal risk assessments ensure we abide by our Equality duty and meet Equality targets.